
PVF main functions

  1""" PVF main functions"""
  4# Imports
  5from numba import njit
  6import pyvista as pv
  7import pandas as pd
  8import scipy.integrate
  9import numpy as np
 12# Functions
 13def fc_unstruc2poly(mesh_unstruc):
 14    """Convenience conversion function from UnstructuredGrid to PolyData
 16    Parameters
 17    ----------
 18    * **mesh_unstruc** : *pyvista.UnstructuredGrid*
 20        > Unstructured Pyvista Grid.
 22    Returns
 23    -------
 24    * *pyvista.PolyData*
 26        > The same mesh converted to a surface pyvista.PolyData.
 28    Examples
 29    --------
 30    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
 31    >>> import pyvista as pv
 32    >>> sphere = pv.Sphere(radius=0.5, center=(0, 0, 0))
 33    >>> subset = sphere.extract_cells(10)
 34    >>> subsetPoly = fc_unstruc2poly(subset)
 35    >>> subsetPoly
 36    PolyData (0x1fdd9786040)
 37      N Cells:    1
 38      N Points:    3
 39      X Bounds:    -5.551e-17, 3.617e-02
 40      Y Bounds:    0.000e+00, 4.682e-02
 41      Z Bounds:    -5.000e-01, -4.971e-01
 42      N Arrays:    0
 44    """
 46    # Get the points and cells
 47    points = mesh_unstruc.points
 48    faces = mesh_unstruc.cells
 49    # Return the same geometry as a pv.PolyData mesh
 50    return pv.PolyData(points, faces)
 53def get_visibility(c1, c2, strict=False,print_warning=True,
 54                         rounding_decimal = 1):
 55    """Facets visibility:
 57    A test to check if two facets can "see" each other, taking the normals
 58    into consideration (no obstruction tests, only normals orientations).
 60    Parameters
 61    ----------
 62    * **c1** : *pyvista.PolyData*
 64        > PolyData facet (pyvista format).
 66    * **c2** : *pyvista.PolyData*
 68        > PolyData facet (pyvista format).
 70    * **strict** : *Bool*
 72        > If *True*, checks all the points are able to see each other
 73          (considering the face normal) and then continue. If some points are
 74          "begind the other faces, it will return *False*,
 75        > Else, compute the centroids visibility, and might print a warning if
 76          some points are "behind".
 78    * **print_warning** : *Bool*
 80        > If *True*, warning messages will be printed in addition to be returned
 82    * **rounding_decimal** : *Int*
 84        > Number of decimals at which rounding shall be done for the points
 85          coordinates. This is to avoid numeric issues when the points
 86          coordinates are given as for instance 1.234e-13 instead of 0.
 88    Returns
 89    -------
 90    * **bool**
 92        > True when the facets "see" each other, False else.
 94    * **str**
 96        > Warning message if any (empty string if no warning).
 98    Examples
 99    --------
100    >>> import pyvista as pv
101    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
102    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
103    >>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
104    >>> pvf.get_visibility(tri1, tri2,strict=False, print_warning=True)
105    True
106    """
108    # Checking if every point of c1 in "in front" of c2 with the sign of the
109    # triple product:
110    # for pt in c1.points:
111    #     v = pt - c2.points[0]
112    #     edge2a = c2.points[0] - c2.points[1]
113    #     edge2b = c2.points[0] - c2.points[2]
114    #     # "triple" product computation --> "v.(edge2a x edge2b)"
115    #     det =, edge2b))
116    #     if det < 0:
117    #         if not strict:
118    #             print(
119    #                 "... ! ... PVF Warning : at least one point of cell is \"behind\" cell2\n")
120    #         else:
121    #             return False
123    # Test on the normals orientations for the visibility:
124    # Get cell centers
125    center1 = c1.cell_centers().points
126    center2 = c2.cell_centers().points
127    # Get the vector between the cell centers
128    v21 = center1-center2
129    # Get cell normals
130    n1 = c1.cell_normals
131    n2 = c2.cell_normals
132    # Compute the 2 scalar product
133    pos_dot_prod = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v21, n2)
134    neg_dot_prod = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v21, n1)
135    # Return result of visibility test
136    if not (pos_dot_prod > 0 and neg_dot_prod < 0):
137        return (False, "")
139    ## Check if the cells are entirely visible to each other
140    ## Checking if every point of c1 in "in front" of c2 with the sign of the
141    ## triple product, and reciprocally
142    for cel_i in [c1, c2]:
143        if cel_i == c1:
144            cel_j = c2
145        else:
146            cel_j = c1
147        edge2a = np.round(cel_j.points[0] - cel_j.points[1], rounding_decimal)
148        edge2b = np.round(cel_j.points[0] - cel_j.points[2], rounding_decimal)
149        edges_cross = np.cross(edge2a, edge2b)
150        det_is_pos = False
151        det_is_neg = False
152        for pt in cel_i.points:
153            v = np.round(pt - cel_j.points[2], rounding_decimal)
154            # "triple" product computation --> "v.(edge2a x edge2b)"
155            det =
156            if det < 0:
157                det_is_neg = True
158            elif det > 0:
159                det_is_pos = True
160            if det_is_neg and det_is_pos: # det < 0:
161                if strict:
162                    warning_str = (
163                        "[PVF-Warning-1] strict being True, cells are considered "
164                        "not visible although they partially are"
165                        )
166                    if print_warning:
167                        print(warning_str)
168                    return (False, warning_str)
169                else:
170                    warning_str = (
171                        "[PVF-Warning-2] strict being False, cells are considered "
172                        "entirely visible although they are partially hidden")
173                    if print_warning:
174                        print(warning_str)
175                    return (True, warning_str)
176    return (True, "")
179def get_visibility_raytrace(face1, face2, obstacle):
180    """Raytrace between face1 and face2
182    A test to check if there is an obstruction between two facets.
184    Parameters
185    ----------
186    * **face1** : *pyvista.PolyData*
188        > face1 to be checked for obstruction.
190    * **face2** : *pyvista.PolyData*
192        > face2 to be checked for obstruction.
194    * **obstacle** : *pyvista.PolyData*
196        > The mesh inbetween, composing the potential obstruction.
198    Returns
199    -------
200    * *bool*
202        > True if no obstruction, False else.
204    Examples
205    --------
206    >>> import pyvista as pv
207    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
208    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
209    >>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
210    >>> obstacle = pv.Circle(radius=3.0)
211    >>> obstacle.translate([0, 0, 0.5], inplace = True)
212    >>> pvf.get_visibility_raytrace(tri2, tri1, obstacle)
213    False
215    """
216    # Define line segment from one cell center to the other
217    start = face1.cell_centers().points[0]
218    stop = face2.cell_centers().points[0]
219    # Perform ray trace along the line segment
220    # points : location of the intersection
221    # ind : indices if the intersection cells
222    points, ind = obstacle.ray_trace(start, stop, first_point=False)
223    # If considering a single cell
224    # /!\ Ce n'est pas le bon test, il faut checker si les points de départ
225    # et d'arrivé appartiennet à "obstacle" !
226    # tester si le obstacle est un maillage ouvert ?
227    # tester
228    if obstacle.n_cells == 1:
229        # The cells are not obstructed if the ray trace from cell 1 to cell2
230        # does *not* intersect the "obstacle" mesh, >> ind is empty
231        return True if ind.size == 0 else False
232    # Il manque un cas de figure
234    # Else, if face1 and face2 are contained in the obstacle mesh
235    else:
236        # The cells are obstructed if the ray trace from cell 1 to cell 2 hits
237        # the "obstacle" more than 3 times (on cell 1, cell 2 and at least once
238        # somewhere in between)
239        # If the cells are not obstructed, len(ind) should be == 2
240        return False if len(ind) > 2 else True
243def get_visibility_MT(face1, face2, obstacle):
244    """Triangle / Ray intersection based on the Möeller-Trumbore algorithm
246    A test to check if there is an obstruction between two facets, basaed on
247    Möller-Trumbore algorithm
249    **To add**: a "strict" argument, to check not the centroids, but all points
250    of face1 against all point of face2 given an obstacle.
252    Parameters
253    ----------
254    * **face1** : *pyvista.PolyData*
256        > face1 to be checked for obstruction. *A single PolyData face*
258    * **face2** : *pyvista.PolyData*. *A single PolyData face*
260        > face2 to be checked for obstruction.
262    * **obstacle** : *pyvista.PolyData*. *A single PolyData face, or a entire
263        mesh *
265        > The mesh inbetween, composing the potential obstruction
267    Returns
268    -------
269    * *bool*
271        > True if no obstruction, False else.
273    Examples
274    --------
275    >>> import pyvista as pv
276    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
277    >>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
278    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
279    >>> obstacle = pv.Circle(radius=3.0)
280    >>> obstacle.translate([0, 0, 0.5], inplace = True)
281    >>> pvf.get_visibility_MT(tri2, tri1, obstacle)
282    False
284    """
286    # Defining ray origin and vector
287    ray_orig = face1.cell_centers().points[0]
288    ray_end = face2.cell_centers().points[0]
289    ray_dir = ray_end - ray_orig
290    if not obstacle.is_all_triangles:
291        obstacle.triangulate(inplace=True)
292    vis = []
293    for idx in range(obstacle.n_cells):
294        v1, v2, v3 = obstacle.get_cell(idx).points
295        eps = 0.000001
296        edge1 = v2 - v1
297        edge2 = v3 - v1
298        pvec = np.cross(ray_dir, edge2)
299        det =
300        if abs(det) < eps:
301            vis.append(True)
302            continue
303        inv_det = 1. / det
304        tvec = ray_orig - v1
305        u = * inv_det
306        if u < 0. or u > 1.:
307            vis.append(True)
308            continue
309        qvec = np.cross(tvec, edge1)
310        v = * inv_det
311        if v < 0. or u + v > 1.:
312            vis.append(True)
313            continue
314        t = * inv_det
315        if t < eps:
316            vis.append(True)
317            continue
318        if t > 1.0: #, ray_dir):
319            vis.append(True)
320            continue
321        vis.append(False)
322        return False
323    return True if all(vis) else False
326def trunc(values, decs=0):
327    """Return values with *decs* decimals.
329    A function to truncate decimals in floats.
331    Parameters
332    ----------
333    * **values** : *float*, or *numpy.array* (floats)
335        A float value with decimals, or a numpy.array of floats
337    * **decs** : *int*, optional
339        The number of decimals to keep. The default is 0.
341    Returns
342    -------
343    * *float*
345        > The same flaot truncated with *decs* decimals, or a the same
346        numpy.array of floats truncated.
348    Examples
349    --------
350    >>> import pyvista as pv
351    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
352    >>> a = 1.23456789
353    >>> pvf.trunc(a,2)
354    1.23
355    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.111111, 1.111111, 1.111111],
356                        [1.222222, 1.222222, 1.222222],
357                        [1.333333, 0.333333, 1.333333]])
358    >>> trunc(tri1.points,2)
359    pyvista_ndarray([[0.11, 1.11, 1.11],
360                     [1.22, 1.22, 1.22],
361                     [1.33, 0.33, 1.33]])
363    """
364    return np.trunc(values*10**decs)/(10**decs)
367@njit  # numba's just in time compilation offers a x2 speedup
368def integrand(x, y, norm_q_carree, norm_p_carree, scal_qpq,
369              scal_qpp, scal_pq, norm_qp_carree):
370    """
371    Return the integrand for a pair of edges of two facets for the view factor
372    computation.
374    Used in the *compute_viewfactor* function.
376    """
377    integrand_function = np.log(y**2*norm_q_carree
378                                + x**2*norm_p_carree
379                                - 2*y*scal_qpq
380                                + 2*x*scal_qpp
381                                - 2*x*y*scal_pq
382                                + norm_qp_carree
383                                )*scal_pq
384    return integrand_function
387def compute_viewfactor(cell_1, cell_2, epsilon=0.001, rounding_decimal=6):
388    """
389    View factor computation between cell1 and cell2
391    Parameters
392    ----------
393    * **cell_1** : *pyvista.PolyData* facet
395        > The first cell.
397    * **cell_2** : *pyvista.PolyData* facet
399        > The second cell.
401    * **epsilon** : *float*
403        * Desired precision, default = 0.001
404        * It should *never* be higher than 1e-10, where the precision is close
405          to numpy's intergation error.
406        * A good practice is not to get higher than the number of digits
407          defining your `points`.
408        * A precision  of 1e-8 with points define with 5 digits, for example,
409          will lead to a zero view factor.
411    * **rounding_decimal** : *Int*
413        > Number of decimals at which rounding shall be done for the points
414          coordinates. This is to avoid numeric issues when the points
415          coordinates are given as for instance 1.234e-13 instead of 0.
416          (default = 6)
418    Returns
419    -------
420    * *float*
422        > The view factor from **cell_2** to **cell_1**.
424    Examples
425    --------
426    >>> import pyvista as pv
427    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
428    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
429    >>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
430    >>> pvf.compute_viewfactor(tri1, tri2)
431    0.07665424316999997
433    """
434    # View factor initialization
435    FF = 0
436    # Cell 1 preparation
437    cell_1_poly = cell_1
438    cell_1 = cell_1.cast_to_unstructured_grid()
439    # Getting the cell points
440    # cell_1_points = cell_1.get_cell(0).points
441    cell_1_points = np.round(cell_1.get_cell(0).points, rounding_decimal)
442    # Creating vectors describing the oriented edges
443    cell_1_points_roll = np.roll(cell_1_points, -1, axis=0)
444    # [Ai,Bi,Ci,...,Ni] -> [Bi, Ci,..., Ni,Ai]
445    vect_dir_elts_1 = cell_1_points_roll - cell_1_points
446    # [[Bi-Ai], [Ci-Bi],...,[Ni-Ai]]
447    # Ther euse to be a truncature, for test purposes
448    # cell_1_points = trunc(cell_1_points, decs=10)
450    # Same for cell 2
451    cell_2_poly = cell_2
452    cell_2 = cell_2.cast_to_unstructured_grid()
453    # cell_2_points = cell_2.get_cell(0).points
454    cell_2_points = np.round(cell_2.get_cell(0).points, rounding_decimal)
455    cell_2_points_roll = np.roll(cell_2_points, -1, axis=0)
456    vect_dir_elts_2 = cell_2_points_roll - cell_2_points
457    #cell_2_points = trunc(cell_2_points, decs=10)
458    # Creation of a matrix N by M, with N the number of points defining cell 1
459    # and M the number of points defining cell 2
460    n_cols = np.shape(cell_2_points)[0]
461    n_rows = np.shape(cell_1_points)[0]
462    # Getting the number of vertexes for eaach cell
463    nb_sommets_1 = n_rows
464    nb_sommets_2 = n_cols
465    # Creation of an empty dataframe of size N by M
466    mat_vectors = np.zeros((n_rows, n_cols))
467    vectors = pd.DataFrame(mat_vectors, dtype=object)
468    # Filling the dataframe
469    for row in range(n_rows):
470        # Getting the coordinates of the vectors starting from Vertex i from
471        # cell 1 to each vertex j from cell 2
472        coord_repeat = np.tile(cell_1_points[row], (nb_sommets_2, 1))
473        vect_sommets_1_to_2 = cell_2_points - coord_repeat
474        # Filling the "vectors" dataframe
475        vectors.iloc[row] = list(vect_sommets_1_to_2)
476    vect_sommets_extra = vectors
477    vect_sommets_intra_1 = vect_dir_elts_1
478    vect_sommets_intra_2 = vect_dir_elts_2
479    # Constants calculations for the contour integral
480    area = cell_2_poly.compute_cell_sizes(area=True)['Area']
481    A_q = area[0]
482    constante = 4*np.pi*A_q
483    # Initialisation of the integration error, and the contribution of each
484    # edge intergal to the overall one
485    err = 0
486    s_i = 0
487    s_j = 0
488    # Getting the number of shared vertexes
489    arr_test = np.argwhere(
490        (cell_2_points[:, None, :] == cell_1_points[:, :]).all(-1)
491    )
492    nbre_sommets_partages = np.shape(arr_test)[0]
493    # If the 2 cells don't share any vertices, "regular" computation of the
494    # integral
495    if nbre_sommets_partages == 0:
496        for n in range(nb_sommets_2):
497            p_n_np1 = tuple(vect_sommets_intra_2[n, :])
498            norm_p_carree =, p_n_np1)
499            for m in range(nb_sommets_1):
500                q_m_mp1 = tuple(vect_sommets_intra_1[m, :])
501                norm_q_carree =, q_m_mp1)
502                qm_pn = vect_sommets_extra.loc[m, n]
503                norm_qp_carree =, qm_pn)
504                scal_qpq =, q_m_mp1)
505                scal_qpp =, p_n_np1)
506                scal_pq =, p_n_np1)
507                s_j, err = scipy.integrate.dblquad(
508                    integrand,
509                    0, 1,
510                    lambda x: 0, lambda x: 1,
511                    args=(
512                        norm_q_carree,
513                        norm_p_carree,
514                        scal_qpq,
515                        scal_qpp,
516                        scal_pq,
517                        norm_qp_carree
518                    )
519                )
520                s_i += round(s_j/constante, 11)
521                err += err/(nb_sommets_1 + nb_sommets_2)
522    else:
523        # When the cells share one edge or more:
524        # Apply a virtual displacement by epsilon, according to the
525        # centroid vector
526        centroid_vec = cell_2_poly.cell_centers().points \
527            - cell_1_poly.cell_centers().points
528        # Normalization
529        centroid_vec = centroid_vec / np.sqrt(np.sum(centroid_vec**2))
530        for sommet_j in cell_2_points[:, :]:
531            sommet_j +=, epsilon)[0]
532        # After the displacement, update the matrix with every vector from
533        # cell 1 vertices to every vertiuces of cell 2
534        for row in range(n_rows):
535            # Getting the coordinates of the vectors starting from Vertex i
536            # from cell 1 to each vertex j from cell 2, as previously
537            coord_repeat = np.tile(cell_1_points[row], (n_cols, 1))
538            vect_sommets_i_to_j = cell_2_points - coord_repeat
539            vectors.iloc[row] = list(vect_sommets_i_to_j)
540        # Then proceed to the regular integral computation
541        for n in range(nb_sommets_2):
542            p_n_np1 = tuple(vect_sommets_intra_2[n, :])
543            norm_p_carree =, p_n_np1)
544            for m in range(nb_sommets_1):
545                q_m_mp1 = tuple(vect_sommets_intra_1[m, :])
546                norm_q_carree =, q_m_mp1)
547                qm_pn = vect_sommets_extra.loc[m, n]
548                norm_qp_carree =, qm_pn)
549                scal_qpq =, q_m_mp1)
550                scal_qpp =, p_n_np1)
551                scal_pq =, p_n_np1)
552                s_j, err = scipy.integrate.dblquad(
553                    integrand,
554                    0, 1,
555                    lambda x: 0, lambda x: 1,
556                    args=(
557                        norm_q_carree,
558                        norm_p_carree,
559                        scal_qpq,
560                        scal_qpp,
561                        scal_pq,
562                        norm_qp_carree)
563                )
564                s_i += round(s_j/constante, 11)
565                err += err/(nb_sommets_1 + nb_sommets_2)
566    if s_i > 0:
567        FF = s_i
568    return FF
571""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End Of File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """
def fc_unstruc2poly(mesh_unstruc)
14def fc_unstruc2poly(mesh_unstruc):
15    """Convenience conversion function from UnstructuredGrid to PolyData
17    Parameters
18    ----------
19    * **mesh_unstruc** : *pyvista.UnstructuredGrid*
21        > Unstructured Pyvista Grid.
23    Returns
24    -------
25    * *pyvista.PolyData*
27        > The same mesh converted to a surface pyvista.PolyData.
29    Examples
30    --------
31    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
32    >>> import pyvista as pv
33    >>> sphere = pv.Sphere(radius=0.5, center=(0, 0, 0))
34    >>> subset = sphere.extract_cells(10)
35    >>> subsetPoly = fc_unstruc2poly(subset)
36    >>> subsetPoly
37    PolyData (0x1fdd9786040)
38      N Cells:    1
39      N Points:    3
40      X Bounds:    -5.551e-17, 3.617e-02
41      Y Bounds:    0.000e+00, 4.682e-02
42      Z Bounds:    -5.000e-01, -4.971e-01
43      N Arrays:    0
45    """
47    # Get the points and cells
48    points = mesh_unstruc.points
49    faces = mesh_unstruc.cells
50    # Return the same geometry as a pv.PolyData mesh
51    return pv.PolyData(points, faces)

Convenience conversion function from UnstructuredGrid to PolyData


  • mesh_unstruc : pyvista.UnstructuredGrid

    Unstructured Pyvista Grid.


  • pyvista.PolyData

    The same mesh converted to a surface pyvista.PolyData.


>>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> sphere = pv.Sphere(radius=0.5, center=(0, 0, 0))
>>> subset = sphere.extract_cells(10)
>>> subsetPoly = fc_unstruc2poly(subset)
>>> subsetPoly
PolyData (0x1fdd9786040)
  N Cells:    1
  N Points:    3
  X Bounds:    -5.551e-17, 3.617e-02
  Y Bounds:    0.000e+00, 4.682e-02
  Z Bounds:    -5.000e-01, -4.971e-01
  N Arrays:    0
def get_visibility(c1, c2, strict=False, print_warning=True, rounding_decimal=1)
 54def get_visibility(c1, c2, strict=False,print_warning=True,
 55                         rounding_decimal = 1):
 56    """Facets visibility:
 58    A test to check if two facets can "see" each other, taking the normals
 59    into consideration (no obstruction tests, only normals orientations).
 61    Parameters
 62    ----------
 63    * **c1** : *pyvista.PolyData*
 65        > PolyData facet (pyvista format).
 67    * **c2** : *pyvista.PolyData*
 69        > PolyData facet (pyvista format).
 71    * **strict** : *Bool*
 73        > If *True*, checks all the points are able to see each other
 74          (considering the face normal) and then continue. If some points are
 75          "begind the other faces, it will return *False*,
 76        > Else, compute the centroids visibility, and might print a warning if
 77          some points are "behind".
 79    * **print_warning** : *Bool*
 81        > If *True*, warning messages will be printed in addition to be returned
 83    * **rounding_decimal** : *Int*
 85        > Number of decimals at which rounding shall be done for the points
 86          coordinates. This is to avoid numeric issues when the points
 87          coordinates are given as for instance 1.234e-13 instead of 0.
 89    Returns
 90    -------
 91    * **bool**
 93        > True when the facets "see" each other, False else.
 95    * **str**
 97        > Warning message if any (empty string if no warning).
 99    Examples
100    --------
101    >>> import pyvista as pv
102    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
103    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
104    >>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
105    >>> pvf.get_visibility(tri1, tri2,strict=False, print_warning=True)
106    True
107    """
109    # Checking if every point of c1 in "in front" of c2 with the sign of the
110    # triple product:
111    # for pt in c1.points:
112    #     v = pt - c2.points[0]
113    #     edge2a = c2.points[0] - c2.points[1]
114    #     edge2b = c2.points[0] - c2.points[2]
115    #     # "triple" product computation --> "v.(edge2a x edge2b)"
116    #     det =, edge2b))
117    #     if det < 0:
118    #         if not strict:
119    #             print(
120    #                 "... ! ... PVF Warning : at least one point of cell is \"behind\" cell2\n")
121    #         else:
122    #             return False
124    # Test on the normals orientations for the visibility:
125    # Get cell centers
126    center1 = c1.cell_centers().points
127    center2 = c2.cell_centers().points
128    # Get the vector between the cell centers
129    v21 = center1-center2
130    # Get cell normals
131    n1 = c1.cell_normals
132    n2 = c2.cell_normals
133    # Compute the 2 scalar product
134    pos_dot_prod = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v21, n2)
135    neg_dot_prod = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v21, n1)
136    # Return result of visibility test
137    if not (pos_dot_prod > 0 and neg_dot_prod < 0):
138        return (False, "")
140    ## Check if the cells are entirely visible to each other
141    ## Checking if every point of c1 in "in front" of c2 with the sign of the
142    ## triple product, and reciprocally
143    for cel_i in [c1, c2]:
144        if cel_i == c1:
145            cel_j = c2
146        else:
147            cel_j = c1
148        edge2a = np.round(cel_j.points[0] - cel_j.points[1], rounding_decimal)
149        edge2b = np.round(cel_j.points[0] - cel_j.points[2], rounding_decimal)
150        edges_cross = np.cross(edge2a, edge2b)
151        det_is_pos = False
152        det_is_neg = False
153        for pt in cel_i.points:
154            v = np.round(pt - cel_j.points[2], rounding_decimal)
155            # "triple" product computation --> "v.(edge2a x edge2b)"
156            det =
157            if det < 0:
158                det_is_neg = True
159            elif det > 0:
160                det_is_pos = True
161            if det_is_neg and det_is_pos: # det < 0:
162                if strict:
163                    warning_str = (
164                        "[PVF-Warning-1] strict being True, cells are considered "
165                        "not visible although they partially are"
166                        )
167                    if print_warning:
168                        print(warning_str)
169                    return (False, warning_str)
170                else:
171                    warning_str = (
172                        "[PVF-Warning-2] strict being False, cells are considered "
173                        "entirely visible although they are partially hidden")
174                    if print_warning:
175                        print(warning_str)
176                    return (True, warning_str)
177    return (True, "")

Facets visibility:

A test to check if two facets can "see" each other, taking the normals into consideration (no obstruction tests, only normals orientations).


  • c1 : pyvista.PolyData

    PolyData facet (pyvista format).

  • c2 : pyvista.PolyData

    PolyData facet (pyvista format).

  • strict : Bool

    If True, checks all the points are able to see each other (considering the face normal) and then continue. If some points are "begind the other faces, it will return False, Else, compute the centroids visibility, and might print a warning if some points are "behind".

  • print_warning : Bool

    If True, warning messages will be printed in addition to be returned

  • rounding_decimal : Int

    Number of decimals at which rounding shall be done for the points coordinates. This is to avoid numeric issues when the points coordinates are given as for instance 1.234e-13 instead of 0.


  • bool

    True when the facets "see" each other, False else.

  • str

    Warning message if any (empty string if no warning).


>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
>>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
>>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
>>> pvf.get_visibility(tri1, tri2,strict=False, print_warning=True)
def get_visibility_raytrace(face1, face2, obstacle)
180def get_visibility_raytrace(face1, face2, obstacle):
181    """Raytrace between face1 and face2
183    A test to check if there is an obstruction between two facets.
185    Parameters
186    ----------
187    * **face1** : *pyvista.PolyData*
189        > face1 to be checked for obstruction.
191    * **face2** : *pyvista.PolyData*
193        > face2 to be checked for obstruction.
195    * **obstacle** : *pyvista.PolyData*
197        > The mesh inbetween, composing the potential obstruction.
199    Returns
200    -------
201    * *bool*
203        > True if no obstruction, False else.
205    Examples
206    --------
207    >>> import pyvista as pv
208    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
209    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
210    >>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
211    >>> obstacle = pv.Circle(radius=3.0)
212    >>> obstacle.translate([0, 0, 0.5], inplace = True)
213    >>> pvf.get_visibility_raytrace(tri2, tri1, obstacle)
214    False
216    """
217    # Define line segment from one cell center to the other
218    start = face1.cell_centers().points[0]
219    stop = face2.cell_centers().points[0]
220    # Perform ray trace along the line segment
221    # points : location of the intersection
222    # ind : indices if the intersection cells
223    points, ind = obstacle.ray_trace(start, stop, first_point=False)
224    # If considering a single cell
225    # /!\ Ce n'est pas le bon test, il faut checker si les points de départ
226    # et d'arrivé appartiennet à "obstacle" !
227    # tester si le obstacle est un maillage ouvert ?
228    # tester
229    if obstacle.n_cells == 1:
230        # The cells are not obstructed if the ray trace from cell 1 to cell2
231        # does *not* intersect the "obstacle" mesh, >> ind is empty
232        return True if ind.size == 0 else False
233    # Il manque un cas de figure
235    # Else, if face1 and face2 are contained in the obstacle mesh
236    else:
237        # The cells are obstructed if the ray trace from cell 1 to cell 2 hits
238        # the "obstacle" more than 3 times (on cell 1, cell 2 and at least once
239        # somewhere in between)
240        # If the cells are not obstructed, len(ind) should be == 2
241        return False if len(ind) > 2 else True

Raytrace between face1 and face2

A test to check if there is an obstruction between two facets.


  • face1 : pyvista.PolyData

    face1 to be checked for obstruction.

  • face2 : pyvista.PolyData

    face2 to be checked for obstruction.

  • obstacle : pyvista.PolyData

    The mesh inbetween, composing the potential obstruction.


  • bool

    True if no obstruction, False else.


>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
>>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
>>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
>>> obstacle = pv.Circle(radius=3.0)
>>> obstacle.translate([0, 0, 0.5], inplace = True)
>>> pvf.get_visibility_raytrace(tri2, tri1, obstacle)
def get_visibility_MT(face1, face2, obstacle)
244def get_visibility_MT(face1, face2, obstacle):
245    """Triangle / Ray intersection based on the Möeller-Trumbore algorithm
247    A test to check if there is an obstruction between two facets, basaed on
248    Möller-Trumbore algorithm
250    **To add**: a "strict" argument, to check not the centroids, but all points
251    of face1 against all point of face2 given an obstacle.
253    Parameters
254    ----------
255    * **face1** : *pyvista.PolyData*
257        > face1 to be checked for obstruction. *A single PolyData face*
259    * **face2** : *pyvista.PolyData*. *A single PolyData face*
261        > face2 to be checked for obstruction.
263    * **obstacle** : *pyvista.PolyData*. *A single PolyData face, or a entire
264        mesh *
266        > The mesh inbetween, composing the potential obstruction
268    Returns
269    -------
270    * *bool*
272        > True if no obstruction, False else.
274    Examples
275    --------
276    >>> import pyvista as pv
277    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
278    >>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
279    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
280    >>> obstacle = pv.Circle(radius=3.0)
281    >>> obstacle.translate([0, 0, 0.5], inplace = True)
282    >>> pvf.get_visibility_MT(tri2, tri1, obstacle)
283    False
285    """
287    # Defining ray origin and vector
288    ray_orig = face1.cell_centers().points[0]
289    ray_end = face2.cell_centers().points[0]
290    ray_dir = ray_end - ray_orig
291    if not obstacle.is_all_triangles:
292        obstacle.triangulate(inplace=True)
293    vis = []
294    for idx in range(obstacle.n_cells):
295        v1, v2, v3 = obstacle.get_cell(idx).points
296        eps = 0.000001
297        edge1 = v2 - v1
298        edge2 = v3 - v1
299        pvec = np.cross(ray_dir, edge2)
300        det =
301        if abs(det) < eps:
302            vis.append(True)
303            continue
304        inv_det = 1. / det
305        tvec = ray_orig - v1
306        u = * inv_det
307        if u < 0. or u > 1.:
308            vis.append(True)
309            continue
310        qvec = np.cross(tvec, edge1)
311        v = * inv_det
312        if v < 0. or u + v > 1.:
313            vis.append(True)
314            continue
315        t = * inv_det
316        if t < eps:
317            vis.append(True)
318            continue
319        if t > 1.0: #, ray_dir):
320            vis.append(True)
321            continue
322        vis.append(False)
323        return False
324    return True if all(vis) else False

Triangle / Ray intersection based on the Möeller-Trumbore algorithm

A test to check if there is an obstruction between two facets, basaed on Möller-Trumbore algorithm

To add: a "strict" argument, to check not the centroids, but all points of face1 against all point of face2 given an obstacle.


  • face1 : pyvista.PolyData

    face1 to be checked for obstruction. A single PolyData face

  • face2 : pyvista.PolyData. A single PolyData face

    face2 to be checked for obstruction.

  • obstacle : pyvista.PolyData. *A single PolyData face, or a entire mesh *

    The mesh inbetween, composing the potential obstruction


  • bool

    True if no obstruction, False else.


>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
>>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
>>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
>>> obstacle = pv.Circle(radius=3.0)
>>> obstacle.translate([0, 0, 0.5], inplace = True)
>>> pvf.get_visibility_MT(tri2, tri1, obstacle)
def trunc(values, decs=0)
327def trunc(values, decs=0):
328    """Return values with *decs* decimals.
330    A function to truncate decimals in floats.
332    Parameters
333    ----------
334    * **values** : *float*, or *numpy.array* (floats)
336        A float value with decimals, or a numpy.array of floats
338    * **decs** : *int*, optional
340        The number of decimals to keep. The default is 0.
342    Returns
343    -------
344    * *float*
346        > The same flaot truncated with *decs* decimals, or a the same
347        numpy.array of floats truncated.
349    Examples
350    --------
351    >>> import pyvista as pv
352    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
353    >>> a = 1.23456789
354    >>> pvf.trunc(a,2)
355    1.23
356    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.111111, 1.111111, 1.111111],
357                        [1.222222, 1.222222, 1.222222],
358                        [1.333333, 0.333333, 1.333333]])
359    >>> trunc(tri1.points,2)
360    pyvista_ndarray([[0.11, 1.11, 1.11],
361                     [1.22, 1.22, 1.22],
362                     [1.33, 0.33, 1.33]])
364    """
365    return np.trunc(values*10**decs)/(10**decs)

Return values with decs decimals.

A function to truncate decimals in floats.


  • values : float, or numpy.array (floats)

    A float value with decimals, or a numpy.array of floats

  • decs : int, optional

    The number of decimals to keep. The default is 0.


  • float

    The same flaot truncated with decs decimals, or a the same numpy.array of floats truncated.


>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
>>> a = 1.23456789
>>> pvf.trunc(a,2)
>>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.111111, 1.111111, 1.111111],
                    [1.222222, 1.222222, 1.222222],
                    [1.333333, 0.333333, 1.333333]])
>>> trunc(tri1.points,2)
pyvista_ndarray([[0.11, 1.11, 1.11],
                 [1.22, 1.22, 1.22],
                 [1.33, 0.33, 1.33]])
def integrand( x, y, norm_q_carree, norm_p_carree, scal_qpq, scal_qpp, scal_pq, norm_qp_carree)
368@njit  # numba's just in time compilation offers a x2 speedup
369def integrand(x, y, norm_q_carree, norm_p_carree, scal_qpq,
370              scal_qpp, scal_pq, norm_qp_carree):
371    """
372    Return the integrand for a pair of edges of two facets for the view factor
373    computation.
375    Used in the *compute_viewfactor* function.
377    """
378    integrand_function = np.log(y**2*norm_q_carree
379                                + x**2*norm_p_carree
380                                - 2*y*scal_qpq
381                                + 2*x*scal_qpp
382                                - 2*x*y*scal_pq
383                                + norm_qp_carree
384                                )*scal_pq
385    return integrand_function

Return the integrand for a pair of edges of two facets for the view factor computation.

Used in the compute_viewfactor function.

def compute_viewfactor(cell_1, cell_2, epsilon=0.001, rounding_decimal=6)
388def compute_viewfactor(cell_1, cell_2, epsilon=0.001, rounding_decimal=6):
389    """
390    View factor computation between cell1 and cell2
392    Parameters
393    ----------
394    * **cell_1** : *pyvista.PolyData* facet
396        > The first cell.
398    * **cell_2** : *pyvista.PolyData* facet
400        > The second cell.
402    * **epsilon** : *float*
404        * Desired precision, default = 0.001
405        * It should *never* be higher than 1e-10, where the precision is close
406          to numpy's intergation error.
407        * A good practice is not to get higher than the number of digits
408          defining your `points`.
409        * A precision  of 1e-8 with points define with 5 digits, for example,
410          will lead to a zero view factor.
412    * **rounding_decimal** : *Int*
414        > Number of decimals at which rounding shall be done for the points
415          coordinates. This is to avoid numeric issues when the points
416          coordinates are given as for instance 1.234e-13 instead of 0.
417          (default = 6)
419    Returns
420    -------
421    * *float*
423        > The view factor from **cell_2** to **cell_1**.
425    Examples
426    --------
427    >>> import pyvista as pv
428    >>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
429    >>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
430    >>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
431    >>> pvf.compute_viewfactor(tri1, tri2)
432    0.07665424316999997
434    """
435    # View factor initialization
436    FF = 0
437    # Cell 1 preparation
438    cell_1_poly = cell_1
439    cell_1 = cell_1.cast_to_unstructured_grid()
440    # Getting the cell points
441    # cell_1_points = cell_1.get_cell(0).points
442    cell_1_points = np.round(cell_1.get_cell(0).points, rounding_decimal)
443    # Creating vectors describing the oriented edges
444    cell_1_points_roll = np.roll(cell_1_points, -1, axis=0)
445    # [Ai,Bi,Ci,...,Ni] -> [Bi, Ci,..., Ni,Ai]
446    vect_dir_elts_1 = cell_1_points_roll - cell_1_points
447    # [[Bi-Ai], [Ci-Bi],...,[Ni-Ai]]
448    # Ther euse to be a truncature, for test purposes
449    # cell_1_points = trunc(cell_1_points, decs=10)
451    # Same for cell 2
452    cell_2_poly = cell_2
453    cell_2 = cell_2.cast_to_unstructured_grid()
454    # cell_2_points = cell_2.get_cell(0).points
455    cell_2_points = np.round(cell_2.get_cell(0).points, rounding_decimal)
456    cell_2_points_roll = np.roll(cell_2_points, -1, axis=0)
457    vect_dir_elts_2 = cell_2_points_roll - cell_2_points
458    #cell_2_points = trunc(cell_2_points, decs=10)
459    # Creation of a matrix N by M, with N the number of points defining cell 1
460    # and M the number of points defining cell 2
461    n_cols = np.shape(cell_2_points)[0]
462    n_rows = np.shape(cell_1_points)[0]
463    # Getting the number of vertexes for eaach cell
464    nb_sommets_1 = n_rows
465    nb_sommets_2 = n_cols
466    # Creation of an empty dataframe of size N by M
467    mat_vectors = np.zeros((n_rows, n_cols))
468    vectors = pd.DataFrame(mat_vectors, dtype=object)
469    # Filling the dataframe
470    for row in range(n_rows):
471        # Getting the coordinates of the vectors starting from Vertex i from
472        # cell 1 to each vertex j from cell 2
473        coord_repeat = np.tile(cell_1_points[row], (nb_sommets_2, 1))
474        vect_sommets_1_to_2 = cell_2_points - coord_repeat
475        # Filling the "vectors" dataframe
476        vectors.iloc[row] = list(vect_sommets_1_to_2)
477    vect_sommets_extra = vectors
478    vect_sommets_intra_1 = vect_dir_elts_1
479    vect_sommets_intra_2 = vect_dir_elts_2
480    # Constants calculations for the contour integral
481    area = cell_2_poly.compute_cell_sizes(area=True)['Area']
482    A_q = area[0]
483    constante = 4*np.pi*A_q
484    # Initialisation of the integration error, and the contribution of each
485    # edge intergal to the overall one
486    err = 0
487    s_i = 0
488    s_j = 0
489    # Getting the number of shared vertexes
490    arr_test = np.argwhere(
491        (cell_2_points[:, None, :] == cell_1_points[:, :]).all(-1)
492    )
493    nbre_sommets_partages = np.shape(arr_test)[0]
494    # If the 2 cells don't share any vertices, "regular" computation of the
495    # integral
496    if nbre_sommets_partages == 0:
497        for n in range(nb_sommets_2):
498            p_n_np1 = tuple(vect_sommets_intra_2[n, :])
499            norm_p_carree =, p_n_np1)
500            for m in range(nb_sommets_1):
501                q_m_mp1 = tuple(vect_sommets_intra_1[m, :])
502                norm_q_carree =, q_m_mp1)
503                qm_pn = vect_sommets_extra.loc[m, n]
504                norm_qp_carree =, qm_pn)
505                scal_qpq =, q_m_mp1)
506                scal_qpp =, p_n_np1)
507                scal_pq =, p_n_np1)
508                s_j, err = scipy.integrate.dblquad(
509                    integrand,
510                    0, 1,
511                    lambda x: 0, lambda x: 1,
512                    args=(
513                        norm_q_carree,
514                        norm_p_carree,
515                        scal_qpq,
516                        scal_qpp,
517                        scal_pq,
518                        norm_qp_carree
519                    )
520                )
521                s_i += round(s_j/constante, 11)
522                err += err/(nb_sommets_1 + nb_sommets_2)
523    else:
524        # When the cells share one edge or more:
525        # Apply a virtual displacement by epsilon, according to the
526        # centroid vector
527        centroid_vec = cell_2_poly.cell_centers().points \
528            - cell_1_poly.cell_centers().points
529        # Normalization
530        centroid_vec = centroid_vec / np.sqrt(np.sum(centroid_vec**2))
531        for sommet_j in cell_2_points[:, :]:
532            sommet_j +=, epsilon)[0]
533        # After the displacement, update the matrix with every vector from
534        # cell 1 vertices to every vertiuces of cell 2
535        for row in range(n_rows):
536            # Getting the coordinates of the vectors starting from Vertex i
537            # from cell 1 to each vertex j from cell 2, as previously
538            coord_repeat = np.tile(cell_1_points[row], (n_cols, 1))
539            vect_sommets_i_to_j = cell_2_points - coord_repeat
540            vectors.iloc[row] = list(vect_sommets_i_to_j)
541        # Then proceed to the regular integral computation
542        for n in range(nb_sommets_2):
543            p_n_np1 = tuple(vect_sommets_intra_2[n, :])
544            norm_p_carree =, p_n_np1)
545            for m in range(nb_sommets_1):
546                q_m_mp1 = tuple(vect_sommets_intra_1[m, :])
547                norm_q_carree =, q_m_mp1)
548                qm_pn = vect_sommets_extra.loc[m, n]
549                norm_qp_carree =, qm_pn)
550                scal_qpq =, q_m_mp1)
551                scal_qpp =, p_n_np1)
552                scal_pq =, p_n_np1)
553                s_j, err = scipy.integrate.dblquad(
554                    integrand,
555                    0, 1,
556                    lambda x: 0, lambda x: 1,
557                    args=(
558                        norm_q_carree,
559                        norm_p_carree,
560                        scal_qpq,
561                        scal_qpp,
562                        scal_pq,
563                        norm_qp_carree)
564                )
565                s_i += round(s_j/constante, 11)
566                err += err/(nb_sommets_1 + nb_sommets_2)
567    if s_i > 0:
568        FF = s_i
569    return FF

View factor computation between cell1 and cell2


  • cell_1 : pyvista.PolyData facet

    The first cell.

  • cell_2 : pyvista.PolyData facet

    The second cell.

  • epsilon : float

    • Desired precision, default = 0.001
    • It should never be higher than 1e-10, where the precision is close to numpy's intergation error.
    • A good practice is not to get higher than the number of digits defining your points.
    • A precision of 1e-8 with points define with 5 digits, for example, will lead to a zero view factor.
  • rounding_decimal : Int

    Number of decimals at which rounding shall be done for the points coordinates. This is to avoid numeric issues when the points coordinates are given as for instance 1.234e-13 instead of 0. (default = 6)


  • float

    The view factor from cell_2 to cell_1.


>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> import pyviewfactor as pvf
>>> tri1 = pv.Triangle([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
>>> tri2 = pv.Triangle([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
>>> pvf.compute_viewfactor(tri1, tri2)